4 Things Every Controller DJ Needs To Know About CDJs

1. Performance pads versus hot cues

Instead of performance pads found below the jogwheel, CDJ hot cues can be found in the upper left of the unit. While the latest CDJ-2000NXS2 has four hot cue buttons, older CDJs such as the CDJ-2000Nexus only have three. Furthermore, these buttons only serve one function: to trigger and add hot cues, unlike performance pads that can have a variety of functions depending on which pad mode you’ve got enabled.
This also means that, unfortunately, if you like using performance pad modes like Slicer, Pad FX, and Keyboard, you won’t find them on a CDJ. If you’re spinning with a laptop connected via HID Mode, you’ll have to trigger them via your laptop’s keyboard or mouse.

2. Library and playlist browsing

One of the best things about DJing with a laptop is the ease and speed with which you can browse your library: you’ve got a full-size tactile keyboard and a huge screen that you can use to search for tunes and to even make playlists on the fly. It’s a bit more difficult with CDJs because you have to scroll through your collection using a knob (plus an onscreen Qwerty keyboard if you’re using a touchscreen CDJ / XDJ unit). And since the screen size is relatively tiny compared to a laptop, you’re only able to see a handful of songs at any one time.
That means you’ve got to be extra organised when it comes to your music and playlists – you don’t want to waste time scrolling through a messy playlist with (god forbid) hundreds of songs. Sure, you can hold down the Browse knob to turn on a “quick search” mode that allows you to scroll through the selected playlist faster, but your time would be better spent preparing ahead of the gig and segmenting that massive playlist into smaller ones.

3. Jogwheel tension adjust knob

You can change how stiff or loose the jogwheel is on a CDJ-2000NXS2 via the Jog Adjust knob, which can be useful if you are particular about how tight you want the jog to be when you’re scratching. Conversely, you can also loosen it all the way and spin the jog in reverse to get that classic “UK Spinback” effect. Most DJ controllers don’t have this feature, though it can be found on flagship devices like the DDJ-RZ and the DDJ-1000.

4. Track search / restart

When cueing up your next track, sometimes you want to jump back to the very beginning of the song – for example, you’re trying to beatmatch and you can’t quite nail it yet. DJs like having this ability because it lets them quickly redo a mix, or they simply want to move back to the start fast. On a controller, this is usually done using a shift function or pressing Cue / a hot cue pad.
On a CDJ, there’s also a dedicated button for bringing the track back to the very start: Hit the left “Track Search” button to jump back to the beginning of the current track. You can also press the Cue button if you’ve got a cue point set at the beginning of the song.


Switching to CDJs from a controller is easier than it used to be, although you should still be aware of the differences that we’ve listed here. Once you’re familiar with them, you can take command of club set-ups with greater confidence instead of panicking and looking for where certain features are and wondering why they don’t seem to work the way you want them to.
What other CDJ nuances should controller DJs be aware of? Any tips you’d like to share for transitioning to CDJs? Let us know below.
